Thursday, July 3, 2008

Fueling the Dream

This last little while has been a weird time for me. I switched medication levels and have found something that is really working for me. At the same time though I am finding that I am buckling under the stress and pressure of our situation. This month we are completely relying on a mixture of our parents and anyone else we can scare up to pay our bills. We are waiting to hear about the outcome of a couple of jobs and this is really the end of the line for us. If one of these jobs don’t work - Kevin is going to have to leave his Masters undone and get whatever job he can find. That is a daunting fact after 5.5 years put into it.

We pray earnestly, and it just gets delayed more and more. I am not sure what the purpose is in this. I trust that God does have something planned, but for the life of me I don’t know what, or if we are even headed in the right direction. We just continue to pray and pray,and wait for God to give us an answer.

I think that is one of the most difficult aspects of all of this as well. I want to participate in so many things this summer, and experience so many things with the kids, but we can’t. Even with the help we have we are falling short.

On the other hand, now that school is over for the summer I have been homeschooling Kyle. I am so proud of him! He has been working 4-5 hours a day on school. I have a math program that he is eagerly devouring. We have a printing program, phonics program, and a general language program, and even though it is Kyle’s most difficult subject he is working hard on it without complaints. For Science and Social Studies we are going very Charlotte Mason. I am loving it. The biggest issue with it right now is that Jordan is terribly cranky, and difficult to handle, and we haven’t figured out what to do with him yet. That will come with time, and I suspect with the teeth that are trying to break through!

In regards to the title, the only thing fueling the dream right now is prayer. Prayer, prayer, and more prayer. Feel free to add us to your list :)

The Next Step

On Monday my husband and I were squandering our meager funds by having lunch at MacDonald’s. I decided to run over to Rietman’s to get some have decent shorts, as we had been suffering a major heatwave here and all I had were a couple skirts, and yoga capris. Not exactly suitable for day to day stuff… The plan was that my family would finish up eating, and pick me up.

I am in the change room, taking much longer than I had anticipated, and Kevin calls my cell. I assumed that he was calling to rush me. Instead he shared with me that the fellow with whom he has been communicating with about a job in Manitoba called. It turns out that he was going to be in London at a meeting, and wanted Kevin to meet him there the next day if that was reasonable. He described it as “unorthodox” and an “informal chat” with him and his boss.

I was ecstatic! We were both getting antsy about the interview never happening, because it had been over a week since the deadline to apply for the job. Suddenly the interview was the next day! Needless to say we did some quick prep, and today it was off for London.

After the interview Kevin wrote down as many of the questions he could remember. The “informal chat” was 1.5 hours of typical, and difficult interview questions. The only informal thing was that they were not wearing suits! Any way we went over his answer and it really seems like he nailed it. I am so proud. Even if he doesn’t get it, he has done his best, and he did a tremendous job. Right now all I can say is that it is in God’s hands. It has been there all the time of course, but we have both tried to do our best when action was required. I really pray that this is God’s plan for us. It would change our lives…