Monday, June 2, 2008


To be honest I never dreamed about living in Manitoba… I liked it when we drove through, but didn’t consider it inhabitable, for us anyway…

In April someone called my under-employed husband about a job there, and suddenly it is on the radar.  At the time it seemed like the most monumental decision, and since then the process has been long and arduous.  At first we were given a week to think over whether it was something we would consider.  After two days we decided that it was, and waited anxiously for the next step in the process.  Unfortunately the next step was to wait.  And wait.  After a month the company contacted us called once again.  This time my husband had two job postings sent to him, and two weeks to get the application into the HR department.  This time around the postings were not very well advertised, which on one hand gives me hope.  On the other hand I know that none of this will come to pass if it is not the will of the Almighty God.  That scares me.  I should let you know here that in the four years that I have been married, the eight years that I have been a mother, and thirtyish years prior to that I have oft heard God say “No”.  And by heard I mean had a seemingly open door slam in my face.

This in mind, it was a timely sermon on Sunday when the pastor reminded us that God’s is powerful, and is able to do what ever he needs to do, but that God also only wants the very best for us.  His will is not for us to have second best, but the best.  It will be hard if I find out that God once again is wanting to keep us here.  I am dreaming of the wide open spaces, the big skies, and the trek it will take to get there.  Right now I can’t even imagine anything better than what might await us in Manitba.

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